Crew Casualty Willie Cail

15 Oct 1918 Liverpool Echo
The many friends of Mr and Mrs Cail, 22 Greenleaf street, Smithdown road, will be sorry to hear of the death of their eldest son Willie, in his 23rd year. He was drowned through the collision of his ship the ss Burutu on October 3 last.

It would seem that his wife was not willing to accept his death as easily as she had the following notice posted a week later:

22nd Oct 1918 Liverpool Echo

William Cail is missing as a result of the sinking of the ss Burutu. His wife will be glad to receive any information in respect of him at 36 Tunstall st, Smithdown rd where he is sadly missed.

22nd Oct 1918 Liverpool Echo

CAIL - in loving 23rd birthday remembrance of our darling son WILLIE, who was drowned on ss Burutu - Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Jack (in Germany) 22 Greenleaf street.

The Roll of Honour shows C.W. Cail was the boatswain on the Burutu.
